At the age of 7 he watched Mission: Impossible, finding his vocation:
travel, controlled explosions and telling stories.
When he watched Julio Medem’s Tierra at 15,
he found out that in Spain there was some room for creation.
The absence of an S in Marco and its presence in Huertas
have confused humankind for years,
causing more misspellings than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Despite having approached every genre,
his faith in the absurd and epic of the everyday
have made him lavish mainly in comedy and multi-situation ads.
He takes special care on actor’s directing, tempo and atmosphere,
putting the visceral over the rational.
He learned diving before riding a bike.
Taekwondo and Trivial Pursuit black belt.
He speaks four languages, and he moves his hands a lot in all of them.
Member of ADDP.